tree of the year

Nov 2021

Botanical Name: Piliostigma thonningii English Name: monkey bread, camel’s foot Shona : Mutukutu, Musekesa Ndebele: ihabahaba Fruits and Seed: P. thonningii fruits are large pods 22×7 cm woody, thick with rusty-brown hairs which wear off as the pods mature. The pods do not split on reaching maturity but fall to the ground where they decay or are broken up from June-September. Seeds are variously shaped (fig )and dispersal occurs when the pods fall and decay. (Jun-Sep). Habitat and Distribution: Common in open woodland and wooded grassland, commoner at medium to low altitudes.......

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Apr 2020

TREE OF THE YEAR 2020 Botanical name: Adansonia digitata English name: African Baobab Shona name: Muuyu Ndebele name: Umkhomo Tonga Name: Mubuyu Background The tree is very majestic and massive, usually more than 20 m inheight at full maturity, with a trunk up to 10 m in diameter and a girth of around 20m. It is one of the outstanding indigenous deciduous trees species in Zimbabwe which can live up to over 1000 years. Download the full brochure here for more information...

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Apr 2019

Botanical name: Garcinia buchananii English name:     Granite garcinia / Granite mangosteen Shona Name:      Mutunduru Description of the tree Garcinia buchananii is a small evergreen tree which reaches 4 to 8 meters in height at maturity, often densely branched. It has distinctive shiny dark green leaves above and paler green below, making it an attractive species of indigenous tree. It has greenish-yellow flowers and fleshy edible fruits. Leaves: The leaves of Garciania buchananii are distinctively oblong-shaped,   thickly lathered, shiny dark green above, paler green below with many lateral veins on both leaf surfaces......

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Sep 2018

Names: English jackal-berry, swamp ebony, and African ebony Botanical: Diospyros mespiliformis. Shona: Musuma, Mushuma. Ndebele: Umdlauzo/Umsuma Other languages: Ntoma/Mgula(shangaan), mushumha (ndau), musuma (Venda),  DESCRIPTION The generic name Diospyros means ‘divine pear’, and the specific name mespiliformis is derived from two words,‘mesos’ meaning half, and ‘pilos’, which is bullets. Belongs to a family Ebenaceae....

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